Surfolk の 35mm フィルムのご紹介: 古き良き時代を 1 フレームずつ追体験してください。
Surfolk フィルムでありのままの瞬間を捉えましょう。フィルムを再利用可能なフィルム カメラに装填して、失われたフィルム写真術を体験してください。沿岸地域の人々のために作られた当社のフィルムは、優れた品質と鮮やかな色彩で時代を超えた瞬間を捉えます。アース トーンと粒状の質感で、古き良き時代を包み込み、写真に誰もが愛するノスタルジックなタッチを与えます。初心者向けに作られた当社の 35mm フィルムは、装填して撮影し、再び装填するだけです。1 フレームずつ古き良き時代を再現しましょう。
• C-41 カラーネガフィルム
• 24 枚の露出
• ISO 400
Film Camera Results
Why Shoot Film?
Slow Down, Live in the moment
Shooting with film encourages you to slow down and be intentional with each shot. It brings a sense of focus and presence, helping you savour the moment instead of mindlessly snapping away.
Take A Digital Detox
Film photography offers a break from the constant screen time of digital devices. It allows you to disconnect from the fast-paced digital world, fostering creativity and mental clarity.
Vintage & Nostalgic Vibes
The unique grain, tones, and textures of 35mm film evoke a raw, nostalgic feel that’s difficult to replicate with digital. It adds character and authenticity to your photos.
Relive Memories Again & Again
Reusable film cameras allow you to shoot again and again, without the waste of disposable cameras or endless digital files. Each roll of film offers a chance to relive your memories, as you capture new moments.
Slow Down, Live in the moment
Shooting with film encourages you to slow down and be intentional with each shot. It brings a sense of focus and presence, helping you savour the moment instead of mindlessly snapping away.
Take A Digital Detox
Film photography offers a break from the constant screen time of digital devices. It allows you to disconnect from the fast-paced digital world, fostering creativity and mental clarity.
Vintage & Nostalgic Vibes
The unique grain, tones, and textures of 35mm film evoke a raw, nostalgic feel that’s difficult to replicate with digital. It adds character and authenticity to your photos.
Relive Memories Again & Again
Reusable film cameras allow you to shoot again and again, without the waste of disposable cameras or endless digital files. Each roll of film offers a chance to relive your memories, as you capture new moments.